Flights from Atlanta to Paris

Useful information about the flight from Atlanta to Paris

Flights from Atlanta to Paris

On the flight route from Atlanta (ATL) to Paris (PAR) in only eight and half hours you will be within driving distance of the Eiffel Tower, Moulin Rouge and many a flamboyant French baker. In that flight time you will have covered 4 380 miles, on the direct flight that is. There are about 3 of those a day, offered by Air France and Delta.

Cheap tickets from Atlanta to Paris

A trip this far unfortunately disqualifies most of the low-cost airlines. But don't despair there are still ways to save money on your air ticket... the old-fashioned way, by booking far in advance and avoiding peak seasons.

Destination Paris

Paris has a very efficient transport system so getting around will not be a problem. Keep in mind though, that Charles De Gaule Airport is a sprawling, exhaustingly large airport, so budget in a little bit of time just for getting around. To get to the city you can grab an RER tain, or a shuttle as well as buses or taxis.

Flight information Atlanta - Paris
Cheap direct flights
Flight details Atlanta - Paris
  • Flight duration: min. 08:03 / max. 08:20
  • Distance: 7055 km
  • Flights per week: 32
  • Return flight duration: min. 09:45 / max. 09:55