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The online travel agent compares and offers discount flights, hotels, vacation packages and cruises from a variety of companies. The company was founded in 1997 by Jesse Fink and Jay Walker and is based in Norwalk, Connecticut, USA.

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with: Delta Air Lines (DL1231, DL1227, DL1224, DL1251, DL1346, DL1323), Gol Transportes Aéreos (G38098), Virgin Atlantic Airways (VS5189)
with: Delta Air Lines (DL107), Air France (AF3660), KLM (KL6107), CSA Czech Airlines (OK3016), Deutsche Lufthansa (LH404, LH402), Brussels Airlines (SN7232), United Airlines (UA8843)
with: Air Canada (AC540, AC542), Turkish Airlines (TK8677, TK8675), Brussels Airlines (SN9586), United Airlines (UA8446, UA8618)
with: Austrian Airlines (OS81), United Airlines (UA9881)
with: Deutsche Lufthansa (LH1127, LH1131, LH1125, LH1129, LH1137, LH1139), SAS Scandinavian Airlines (SK3389), United Airlines (UA9314)
with: Turkish Airlines (TK630), Singapore Airlines (SQ6230)