Flights from Dallas to Los Angeles

Useful information about the flight from Dallas to Los Angeles

Flights from Dallas Fort Worth to Los Angeles

It takes about 3 and a half hours from the time you leave Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) to reach the star studded city of Los Angeles (LAX). In that short flight time you will have covered 1251 miles. Airlines offering a direct route include: United, American, Virgin American, providing between 20-23 a day.

Cheap Tickets from Dallas Fort Worth to Los Angeles

Be sure to take the usual precautions when searching for a low cost flight: making sure to avoid holidays, weekends and of course, also try to book far in advance

Destination Los Angeles

Los Angeles is notorious for its relentless size. Although this means that there is all the more to experience it also means that you should carefully choose among its 5 airports for the one which suits your purposes best. LAX is the largest and most popular, which of course also means that you are more likely to end up gridlocked in one of L. A.'s characteristic traffic jams. Unfortunately public transport is only slightly more appealing. There is no train service directly from the airport but buses run to the Metro Green line at Aviation Station. Taxis going downtown cost $45.00 and take 30 min in good traffic but can be painfully slow (and ostensibly more expensive) in rush hour. On the other hand L.A. more than makes up for its big city maladies with two of its central attractions: Hollywood and Disneyland.

Flight information Dallas - Los Angeles
Cheap direct flights
Flight details Dallas - Los Angeles
  • Flight duration: min. 03:12 / max. 07:14
  • Distance: 1985 km
  • Flights per week: 174
  • Return flight duration: min. 02:53 / max. 03:21